Friday, 23 November 2018

LaxmiBai (Jhansi Ki Rani)

Rani Laxmi Bai, popularly known as Rani of Jhansi (Jhansi Ki Rani), was a heroine of Revolt of 1857. She was and still is revered by people of Jhansi and remembered with pride whenever the Indian freedom struggle is mentioned.
Rani Laxmi Bai

 Early Life

  • She was born on 19 November 1835 at Kashi (Varanasi) to Moropant Tambe and was named Manikarnika Tambe. Her father worked in the court of the exiled Peshwa of Poona (Pune). Unlike girls of her age, she was interested in learning various aspects of warfare. She was an expert horse rider, sword fighter and learned shooting and fencing.

History of Jhansi

  • As was the custom of that time, on May 1842, she was married at the age of 14 years to the King of Jhansi ‘Gangadhar Rao Newalkar’, a widower and some 25 years her senior. She was named Laxmi Bai after the marriage. As was the prevalent custom, Rani Laxmi Bai observed ‘pardah’ (the custom to not appear in public without a veil), but she did not stop practising the various sports she loved, which was different from what was the usual practice of women of Royal household.

Jhansi Fort 1982
  • She formed and trained her own army out of her female friends at court. After few years of marriage, Rani Laxmi Bai gave birth to a son, Damodar Rao, in 1851 who died shortly after. The King never recovered from his son’s death, and he died on 21 November 1853.
  • The Maharaja adopted a child called Anand Rao, the son of Gangadhar Rao's cousin, who was renamed Damodar Rao, on the day before the Maharaja died. The adoption was in the presence of the British political officer who was given a letter from the Maharaja instructing that the child be treated with respect and that the government of Jhansi should be given to his widow for her lifetime.
  • Around that time Lord Dalhousie had approved the ‘Doctrine of Lapse’- 
  • According to this, any princely state under the direct or indirect (as a vassal) control of the East India Company where the ruler did not have a legal male heir would be annexed by the company.
  • As per this, any adopted son of the Indian ruler could not be proclaimed as heir to the kingdom. This challenged the Indian ruler's long-held authority to appoint an heir of their choice.

  • A petition for approval of the legal heir was filed with the help of a British officer, who appealed her case at the court of Queen Victoria, but was rejected. Jhansi was annexed into the British Empire and a pension of Rs 5,000 per year was set aside the Queen of Jhansi. The state jewels were confiscated. 

  • When she was informed of this, she cried out "I shall not surrender my Jhansi" (Mein meri Jhansi nahi doongi). In March 1854, Lakshmibai was given an annual pension of Rs. 60,000 and ordered to leave the palace and the fort.

Revolt of 1857

  • A few years went on like this, until a rumour began that soldiers had been supplied with bullets made with cow and pig fat, which led to the start of the Revolt of 1857.

    Jhansi Revolt

    • When the Revolt broke out it soon spread to many parts of North India and reached Jhansi, where the inmates in the jail took over the jail after killing the British officer and soldiers and went on killing their wives and children too. 

    • Rani Laxmi Bai gave shelter to many such families in her palace and saved them from falling into the hands of the revolters. As British were forced to focus their attention elsewhere and Rani Laxmi Bai was left to rule Jhansi alone.
    • During this time her qualities were demonstrated as she was able to swiftly and efficiently lead her troops against skirmishes breaking out in and around Jhansi. After the British regained their foothold in the revolt and marched towards Jhansi the Queen was prepared to plunge into a ‘Do or Die’ battle for freedom.
    • The fight went on for four days. The British were only 1,540 in the field against an army of 20,000 rebel soldiers under the l leadership of Tatya Tope, a friend and mentor of the Queen and one of the generals in the rebel army. 

    • The British soldiers were better trained and organised, so the defence of the fort fell. Rani Laxmi Bai was advised to leave the fort. She left the fort on horseback with her son tied to her back, along with her trusted aides to join the rest of the rebel force, some 150 kilometres from Jhansi. This ride was not an easy feat even for a man. She met with other leaders (Tantia Tope, the Nawab of Banda, and Rao Sahib) of the revolt and again trained and formed a battalion for war. To fulfil her goal of gaining freedom from the British and win in the war she needed a formidable fort.

    Fight to Gwalior

    • The Gwalior fort, a few kilometres from Jhansi was one such fort. She made an ambitious and daring plan to conquer the fort. Magically she succeeded in her goal. The Maharaja of Gwalior was a friend of the British. A few days after capturing the fort the British army attacked and recaptured the fort and Rani had to flee, fighting her way through the enemy lines. 

    • She had her adopted son tied to her back, a sword in each hand and the reins of the horse in her mouth, but the Britishers were catching up fast. Rani suffered fatal wounds, but she still managed to ride her horse to a secluded place. She found an Devotee at a temple, who recognised her. 
    The Place where Rani Laxmi Bai Jumped on horse back with her son

    • She handed her son to a trusted general and she breathed her last breath on 18 June 1857. The Queen did not want the British to find her body, so she was cremated in haste, in the hut of the devotee. The British could not find the Rani’s body. 
    • The British captured the city of Gwalior after three days. In the British report of this battle, Hugh Rose commented that Rani Lakshmibai is "personable, clever and beautiful" and she is "the most dangerous of all Indian leaders".
    • Twenty years after her death Colonel Malleson wrote in the History of the Indian Mutiny 'Whatever her faults in British eyes may have been, her countrymen will ever remember that she was driven by ill-treatment into rebellion, and that she lived and died for her country, We cannot forget her contribution for India. 

    Songs and poems

    • A number of patriotic songs have been written about the Rani. The most famous composition about Rani Lakshmi Bai is the Hindi poem Jhansi ki Rani written by Subhadra Kumari Chauhan. An emotionally charged description of the life of Rani Lakshmibai, it is often taught in schools in India. A popular stanza from it reads (Written by Subhadra Kumari Chauhan)

    बुंदेले हरबोलों के मुँह हमने सुनी कहानी थी,

    खूब लड़ी मर्दानी वह तो झाँसी वाली रानी थी।।

    Movie adaption

    • Number of movie & TV serial adaption has been made. The Latest is "Manikarnika: The Queen of Jhansi" (2019), a Hindi film starring Kangana Ranaut as Rani Lakshmibai.

    Monday, 19 November 2018

    लोंगेवाला का युद्ध और मेजर कुलदीप सिंह चाँदपुरी

    ऐसा कोई युद्ध नहीं है जिसने अपनी छाप ना छोडी हो । 1971 में हुए भारत पाकिस्तान के टकराव के दौरान, लोंगेवाला की लडाई की भी एक छाप इतिहास पर है 

    लोंगेवाला की प्रसिद्ध लड़ाई (4-7 दिसंबर 1971), राजस्थान राज्य के थार रेगिस्तान में लोंगावाला के भारतीय सीमा पोस्ट पर पाकिस्तानी और भारतीय सेना के बीच लड़ी गई थी। युद्ध में, न केवल पाकिस्तानी हमले को जवाब दिया गया था बल्किउनको पीछे भी खदेडा गया था। जब भारतीय सेना ने जवाबी हमला शुरु किया तो पाक बलों को वापस जाने के लिए मजबूर होना पड़ा था। इस प्रकार निर्णायक लड़ाई जीती गई और इसने हमेशा के लिए भारत-पाक युद्ध का चेहरा बदल दिया।

    लोंगवाला की लड़ाई के बारे में कई तथ्य और आंकड़े हैं, लेकिन घटनाओं को पाठकों के लिए और अधिक वास्तविक बनाने के लिए, हमने 8 सबसे महत्वपूर्ण तथ्यों को सूचीबद्ध किया है जिन्हें हर भारतीय को जानना चाहिए और गर्व महसूस करना चाहिए -

    1. मजबूत भारतीय रक्षा पंक्ति :

    दरअसल, इसे चमत्कार के रूप में भी जाना जा सकता है कि भारतीयों ने "लोंगेवाला" की लड़ाई जीत ली थी। 4 दिसंबर 1971 की रात को जब पाकिस्तानी सेना ने लोंगेवाला पोस्ट पर हमला किया था तब वहा तैनात, कमांडिंग ऑफिसर मेजर कुलदीप सिंह चंदपुरी के नेतृत्व वाली, पंजाब रेजिमेंट की 23वी बटालियन रक्षात्मक मुद्रा में थी। हमले को देखते हुए, तुरंत बाद, मेजर चान्द्पुरी ने बटालियन मुख्यालय संपर्क किया और तत्काल हथियार और री-इन्फोर्समेन्ट का अनुरोध किया। लेकिन उनके अनुरोध को नकार दिया गया और बटालियन मुख्यालय ने बताया कि सुबह से पहले मदद पहुचाना संभव नहीं था।

    8 Things You Should Know About The Battle Of Longewala

    2. बटालियन का साहस जब दुश्मन द्वार पर थे

    मेजर चान्द्पुरी के पास केवल दो ही रास्ते थे -
    या तो पाकिस्तानी हमले का सामना करें और मदद आने तक उनको रोक कर रखें या फिर अपनी कम्पनी को रामगढ़ तक पीछे हटने के आदेश दें।अदम्य साहस दिखाते हुए, साहसी व द्र्ड निश्चयी चान्द्पुरी ने पीछे न हटने का फैसला किया और बंकर से बंकर तक भागते हुए अपनी बटालियन को दुश्मन को पिछे खदेढने के लिए प्रोत्साहित किया 

    8 Things You Should Know About The Battle Of Longewala

    3. खतरो के विरुद्ध लड़ना 

    मेजर चान्द्पुरी ने आईएएफ (भारतीय वायुसेना) से हवाई सहायता की मांग की थी। लेकिन उस समय वायु सेना के बेड़े में रात्री दृष्टि वाले लड़ाकू विमान नहीं थे, इसलिए चान्द्पुरी की मांग खारिज हो गई थी। 
    2000-3000 सैनिको वाली मजबूत पाकिस्तानी सेना के खिलाफ लोंगेवाला पोस्ट की रक्षा के लिए, अब चांदपुरी और उनकी 120 सैनिकों (मुट्ठी भर 23 वीं पंजाब रेजिमेंट [सिख] और भारतीय सीमा सुरक्षा बल [राजपूत] ) की बटालियन खडी थी। भारतीय सैनिकों ने पाक सेना का बहादुरी से जवाब दिया और दुश्मन को पूरी रात वहाँ रोक कर रखा जब तक कि सुबह की पहली किरण के साथ भारतीय वायु सेना नही पहुच गई।
    8 Things You Should Know About The Battle Of Longewala

    4. बेमेल अस्त्र शक्ति 

    भारतीय सेना ने, अपनी कम अस्त्र शक्ति और कम संख्या मे होने के बावजूद, पाकिस्तानी सेना का बखुबी सामना किया और उनको पोस्ट से काफी दूरी पर उल्झाये रखा।
    चान्द्पुरी की सेना के पास केवल एक एमएमजी का खेमा, 2 रीकोइल लेस गन डीटेचमेन्ट और 81 मिमि मोर्टर थी। केवल इन हथियारो की मदद से उन्होने ब्रिगेडियर तारिक मीर की दो से तीन हजार वाली पाक सेना ६ घन्टे तक रोक के रखा।

    गौरतलब है की पाक सेना के पास 50 से ज्यादा शेरमान और T-59 चीन निर्मित टेंक थे। 

    8 Things You Should Know About The Battle Of Longewala

    6. वायु सेना .

    सुबह की पहली किरन के साथ ही, भारतीय सेना हरकत मे आ गइ। वायु सेना ने अपने HF24 मारुत और हाकर हन्टर लडाकू विमान लोंगेवाला पोस्ट की मदद के लिए भेज दिये। और बिना कोइ समय गवाये, एचएएल कृषक मे सवार एयर कन्ट्रोलर मेजर आत्मा सिंह के बेढ़े ने युद्ध का झुकाव भारत की तरफ मोढ़ दिया। 
    बिना हवाई मदद वाली पाकिस्तानी सेना के टेंक और बाकि बख्तरबन्द ट्रक एक आसान सा निशाना थे भारतीय वायु सेना के लिए।

    8 Things You Should Know About The Battle Of Longewala

    7. दुश्मन को पिछे धकेलना 

    जैसे ही भारतीय सेना की दोनो कमाने, थल सेना और वायु सेना, आक्रामक हो गई , वैसे ही पाकिस्तानी हमला पहले थम गया और फिर पिछे हट्ने लगे।

    8 Things You Should Know About The Battle Of Longewala

    8. युद्ध का परिणाम 

    भारतीय सैनिकों ने अपने बहादुरी और महान रक्षात्मक रणनीति के कारण पाकिस्तानी सेना को  भारी नुकसान पहुचाया। कम से कम 200 पाकिस्तानी सैनिकों को अपनी जान गवानी पढी।वही केवल दो भारतीय सैनिक शहीद हुए। पाकिस्तानी सेना के 34 टैंक और 500 से अधिक अन्य बख्तरबंद वाहनों को छोड कर भागना पडा। 

    8 Things You Should Know About The Battle Of Longewala

    लोंगेवाला की लडाई को एक फिल्म मे दर्शाय गया है जिसका नाम था  "बोर्डेर" । इस फिल्म मे मेजर कुलदिप का किरदार अभिनेता सनी देओल ने निभाया। फिल्म 1997 मे रिलिस हुई और एक सफल फिल्म साबित हुई।
    (बाएं )ब्रिगेडीयर कुलदिप सिंह चान्द्पुरी 
    (दायें ) सनी देओल 

    ब्रिगेडियर कुलदीप सिंह चान्द्पुरी (सेवानिवृत्त) का, 17 नवंबर 2018 की सुबह को निधन हो गया, अपने 78 वें जन्मदिन से पांच दिन पहले।
    उन्हें महावीर चक्र के साथ सम्मानित किया गया था 

    Sunday, 18 November 2018

    Battle of Longewala & Brigadier Kuldip Singh Chandpuri

    There is no war or conflict which hasn’t been a turning point. In India’s scuffle against Pakistan in 1971, the Battle of Longewala was that turning point.

    The Famous Battle of Longewala (4–7 December 1971), fought between the Pakistani offensive forces and the Indian defenders at the Indian border post of Longewala in Thar Desert of Rajasthan state, was the first major engagement in the Western Sector during the war of 1971.In the battle, not only were the assaulting Pakistani attack foiled and dented, the Pak forces were forced to withdraw when India launched an offensive attack against.Them thereby winning the decisive battle that changed the face of the Indo-Pak war forever. There are many facts & figures about the Battle of Longewala, but to make the incidents more real for readers, we have listed out 8 most significant facts that every Indian should know and feel proud of.

    1. Strong Indian Defence :

    Indeed, It can be phrased as a miracle that Indians won the battle of Longewala. Led by commanding officer in 23rd Battalion of Punjab Regiment in the Indian army, Major Kuldip Singh Chandpuri was on the defensive mode when the Pakistani army attacked the Longewala post on the night of 4 December 1971. Immediately after sending the trouble, Major Chandpuri got in touch with the battalion headquarters and requested urgent armours and reinforcements. He got a negative response and Battalion headquarters informed that reinforcement wasn’t possible before dawn.

    8 Things You Should Know About The Battle Of Longewala

    2. Courage when the enemy were at the gates

    Major Chandpuri was left with two choice -

    • To attempt and hold out until reinforcement arrives or
    • To command a tactile on foot retreat of his company to Ramgarh. Displaying exceptional courage, when enemy were at the gates, a courageous and determined Chandpuri decided not to back down and, running from bunker to bunker, he inspired his men to beat back the enemy.
    8 Things You Should Know About The Battle Of Longewala

    3. Fighting against the odds.

    Major Chandpuri had demanded aerial assistance from the IAF (Indian Air Force). But IAF didn't have fighter jets with night vision in the fleet at that time, so sadly, Chandpuri's demand was turned down. This had left Chandpuri and his battalion of 120 odd soldiers (comprising 23rd Punjab Regiment [Sikhs] and handful of Indian Border Security Force [Rajputs]), to defend the post of Longewala against heavy odds from the strong Pakistani Army of 2000-3000 men. The Indian troops battled the Pak army with all their valour and held the the enemy at bay through the night till the Indian Air Force arrived at the break of dawn.

    8 Things You Should Know About The Battle Of Longewala

    4. Unmatched artillery power.

    The Indian troops, with unmatched artillery and seriously outnumbered, managed to put a strong fight against the Pakistani army and kept them engaged at a fair distance from the post until the air cover arrived. Chandpuri's men only had a section of MMG’s, 2 Recoil-less Gun detachments and 81mm Mortars with which they kept Brigadier Tariq Mir-led army, of 2000-3000 Pak soldiers equipped with 50+ Sherman and T-59 China-made tanks, at bay for six hours of the night.

    8 Things You Should Know About The Battle Of Longewala

    6. Air power.

    At the crack of dawn, India Air Force came in action. It sent HF-24 Maruts and Hawker Hunter fighters to assist the Longewala post and, in no time, the fleet led by Air Controller (FAC) Major Atma Singh in a HAL Krishak turned the battle into India’s favour. With no air support from Pakistan Air Force, the Pak tanks and other armoured vehicles were sitting ducks to shoot at for the IAF.

    8 Things You Should Know About The Battle Of Longewala

    7. Enemy runs for life.

    Once both Indian wings (Army & Air force) got offensive, the Pakistani attack was first halted and then driven back.

    8 Things You Should Know About The Battle Of Longewala

    8. The aftermath.

    Courtesy their valour and great defensive advantage, Indian soldiers managed to put heavy loses on Pakistani army. At least 200 Pak soldiers lost their lives against only two Indian martyrs. Pakistanis also lost about 34 tanks and over 500 other armoured vehicles.

    8 Things You Should Know About The Battle Of Longewala

    The Battle of Longewala was immortalised  in the semi-fictional movie, "Border" in which Sunny Deol played Major Kuldip Singh Chandpuri. 
    (Left )Major Kuldeep Singh Chandpuri
    (Right) Sunny Deol

    Brigadier Kuldip Singh Chandpuri (retd), passed away on the morning of November 17 2018, just five days before he would have celebrated his 78th birthday. 
    He was decorated with Maha Vir Chakra for heroic stand-off against tanks and forcing the enemy to retreat.

    LaxmiBai (Jhansi Ki Rani)

    Rani Laxmi Bai, popularly known as Rani of Jhansi (Jhansi Ki Rani), was a heroine of Revolt of 1857. She was and ...